
针对 API 响应结果进行预期结果校验


结果校验(又称断言)是测试用例中的重要组成部分,可以对测试用例在运行过程中是否得到了预期结果进行校验,例如对响应状态码进行断言,以及对响应 JSON 中的具体字段进行断言。

目前 HttpRunner 支持两种匹配目标参数的方式,并且内置了丰富的结果检验函数,可以实现满足众多的测试场景需求。

HttpRunner v4.0 结果校验部分的数据结构如下:

type Validator struct {
	Check   string      `json:"check" yaml:"check"`
	Assert  string      `json:"assert" yaml:"assert"`
	Expect  interface{} `json:"expect" yaml:"expect"`
	Message string      `json:"msg,omitempty" yaml:"msg,omitempty"`

从上面的数据结构可以看出,结果校验内容包含了 4 个字段,分别是字段提取表达式、断言函数、预期结果以及提示信息:

  • 字段提取表达式:用于提取目标字段用作断言函数的输入,支持 jmespath 表达式和正则表达式(regex)两种提取方式,填写方式请参考参数提取(extract)章节
  • 断言函数:顾名思义,就是用于对目标字段与预期结果是否满足相等、大小、包含、被包含等关系进行断言的函数,目前支持内置函数,不支持自定义拓展
  • 预期结果:指定断言的预期结果,用作断言函数的另一个输入
  • 提示信息:当前断言操作对应的提示信息,该字段为选填


下面以 YAML 测试用例为例,展示结果校验功能的写法示例:

  name: validation demo
    - name: get httpbin
        method: GET
        url: https://www.httpbin.org
        - check: status_code            # target field, support both jmespath and regex
          assert: eq                    # assertion method, you can use builtin method or custom defined function
          expect: 200                   # expected value, supposed to match target field
          message: check status code    # note message, optional


assert 部分支持填写的内置结果校验函数包括如下内容:

assertDescriptionA(check), B(expect)examples
eq, equals, equalvalue is equalA == B9 eq 9
lt, less_thanless thanA < B7 lt 8
le, less_or_equalsless than or equalsA <= B7 le 8, 8 le 8
gt, greater_thangreater thanA > B8 gt 7
ge, greater_or_equalsgreater than or equalsA >= B8 ge 7, 8 ge 8
ne, not_equalnot equalsA != B6 ne 9
str_eq, string_equalsstring equalsstr(A) == str(B)123 str_eq ‘123’
len_eq, length_equals, length_equallength equalslen(A) == B‘abc’ len_eq 3, [1,2] len_eq 2
len_gt, count_gt, length_greater_thanlength greater thanlen(A) > B‘abc’ len_gt 2, [1,2,3] len_gt 2
len_ge, count_ge, length_greater_or_equalslength greater than or equalslen(A) >= B‘abc’ len_ge 3, [1,2,3] len_gt 3
len_lt, count_lt, length_less_thanlength less thanlen(A) < B‘abc’ len_lt 4, [1,2,3] len_lt 4
len_le, count_le, length_less_or_equalslength less than or equalslen(A) <= B‘abc’ len_le 3, [1,2,3] len_le 3
containscontains[1, 2] contains 1‘abc’ contains ‘a’, [1,2,3] len_lt 4
contained_bycontained byA in B‘a’ contained_by ‘abc’, 1 contained_by [1,2]
type_matchA and B are in the same typetype(A) == type(B)123 type_match 1
regex_matchregex matchesre.match(B, A)‘abcdef’ regex_match ‘a\w+d’
startswithstarts withA.startswith(B) is True‘abc’ startswith ‘ab’
endswithends withA.endswith(B) is True‘abc’ endswith ‘bc’