

HttpRunner is developed with Python, it supports Python 3.6+ and most operating systems. Combination of Python 3.6/3.7/3.8 and macOS/Linux/Windows are tested continuously on GitHub-Actions.


HttpRunner is available on PyPI and can be installed through pip.

$ pip3 install httprunner

If you want to keep up with the latest version, you can install with github repository url.

$ pip3 install git+https://github.com/httprunner/httprunner.git@master

If you have installed HttpRunner before and want to upgrade to the latest version, you can use the -U option.

$ pip3 install -U httprunner
$ pip3 install -U git+https://github.com/httprunner/httprunner.git@master

Check Installation

When HttpRunner is installed, 5 commands will be added in your system.

  • httprunner: main command, used for all functions
  • hrun: alias for httprunner run, used to run YAML/JSON/pytest testcases
  • hmake: alias for httprunner make, used to convert YAML/JSON testcases to pytest files
  • har2case: alias for httprunner har2case, used to convert HAR to YAML/JSON testcases
  • locusts: used to run load test with locust

To see HttpRunner version:

$ httprunner -V  # hrun -V

To see available options, run:

$ httprunner -h
usage: httprunner [-h] [-V] {run,startproject,har2case,make} ...

One-stop solution for HTTP(S) testing.

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    run                 Make HttpRunner testcases and run with pytest.
    startproject        Create a new project with template structure.
    har2case            Convert HAR(HTTP Archive) to YAML/JSON testcases for
    make                Convert YAML/JSON testcases to pytest cases.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show version

Notice: locusts is an individual command, for the reason to monkey patch ssl at beginning to avoid RecursionError when running locust.